'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아

글목록 1963

[Dumb? Dumb! : 부담은 덞, 지식은 덤] EP.08 Korean Proverb Quiz : Let's solve the Quiz about Korean Proverbs related to Autumn & Food!

We learned few proverbs related to Autumn and Foods in the previous posting! Do you remember those? 😉 This time, we're going to solve some Quizzes about them! Are you ready? Let's get started! 💯 📚 Please review the previous posting, if you are not ready! Leave your answer as a comment down below, we'll let you know the answer ❕ Thank you for enjoying our original contents of this week 🥰 Please l..

[Dumb? Dumb! : 부담은 덞, 지식은 덤] EP.07 Learning Autumn Proverbs! : Korean Proverbs related to Autumn and Foods

This week's original content is a proverb related to autumn and food! 😉 ✏️Many people know about proverbs, but "fall-related proverbs" are quite tricky. Check if there's anything you already know! 🍚The foods used in the proverbs are popular in Autumn🍂 Hope you enjoy those foods and remember the proverbs that we've studied in the cardnews! 📣If you are interested in Korean, if you are interested i..

[Dumb? Dumb! : 부담은 덞, 지식은 덤] EP.06 Korean Language Learning Boom! : Introducing Korean Classes of JOINUS KOREA!

🇰🇷Dumb? Dumb! : 부담은 덞, 지식은 덤!🇰🇷 Learning Korean become a huge BOOM! Are you interested in K-Culture? K-POP? K-Food? This is a perfect timing for you to study Korean! Check the details in the Cardnews! If you're interested?! Join us & Let's Study Korean together! 📣If you are interested in Korean, if you are interested in the Korean language and culture, 🔉Please look forward to the original conten..

2022년 9월 재정 집행 / 주요 일정 보고

9월 주요 일정 보고 - 4: 신입 봉사자 사전 면담 및 열린한국어교실 #306차 수업 - 6: Alhem 교환학생 인터뷰 (내방) - 11: 신입 봉사자 사전 면담 및 열린한국어교실 #307차 수업 - 18: 동아리 연합회의 / 신입 봉사자 사전 면담 및 열린한국어교실 #308차 수업 - 21: 솔에듀 회의 (내방) - 23: JW 동아리 자문회의 (줌) - 25: 신입 봉사자 사전 면담 및 열린한국어교실 #309차 수업 좋고팅! 🥰☘ "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO MULTILINGUAL KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE & SHARING COMMUNITY JOINUSWORLD.ORG 조인어스코리아는 국내 최대 20 언어권 ‘국경 없는 언어문화 지식교류활동가’(JOKOER)..

[Dumb? Dumb! : 부담은 덞, 지식은 덤] EP.05 Learning Korean with BTS : Learning Korean related to CLEANING with BTS!

Anyone who's a huge fan of BTS? Want to understand their Korean? Come & join us🤗 This time we'll help you study about Korean related to CLEANING! Through the examples of the BTS videos🎬 📣If you are interested in Korean, if you are interested in the Korean language and culture, 🔉Please look forward to the original content that will be uploaded once a week at JoinusKorea. 📍This content will ease y..

[Dumb? Dumb! : 부담은 덞, 지식은 덤] EP.04 What is PLOGGING? : Learning Korean related to Environment!

🇰🇷Dumb? Dumb! : 부담은 덞, 지식은 덤!🇰🇷 Have you ever heard about 'Plogging'? Thesedays the 'Environtal Pollution' has been a serious problem. Now it's time for us to do something to protect the earth! So, this time we're going to study about what can we do to save the earth and what is 'Plogging'! JOINUS KOREA is going to hold a plogging event in 10.30.22(Sun) Check the details in the Cardnews! If you'..

[Dumb? Dumb! : 부담은 덞, 지식은 덤] EP.03 Korean Traditional Market : Solve the Quiz about Korean Expressions!

Did you solve the questions with Joko? Please leave a comment on what your answer is. We'll check the answer!🤗 And if this content is useful or interesting, please click the ❤"like" button and ✍🏻leave a comment! "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO MULTILINGUAL KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE & SHARING COMMUNITY JOINUSWORLD.ORG 조인어스코리아는 국내 최대 20 언어권 ‘국경 없는 언어문화 지식교류활동가’(JOKOER)를 회원으로 하는 NGO로써,지식을 통해 세계인과 교류하는 다국..

[Dumb? Dumb! : 부담은 덞, 지식은 덤] EP.02 What is Chuseok? : Solve the Quiz about Korean Expressions for JOKO!

[Dumb? Dumb! : The first original contents] 📮Help Joko to adapt her Korean life! 📌Joko from JOKOWORLD wants to make new friends. However, she realizes that Chuseok, Korea's biggest holiday, is approaching, but she doesn't know much about it.😢 So she learns what Chuseok is and tries to adapt to life in Korea! Please solve the quest to help her Korean life~🙏🏻 "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO MULTI..

[Dumb? Dumb! : 부담은 덞, 지식은 덤] EP.01 Learning Korean : Come and join the JOINUS KOREA Korean Language Class!

🇰🇷Dumb? Dumb! : 부담은 덞, 지식은 덤!🇰🇷 ✏️There are words in the Korean language that have similar pronunciations but have completely different meanings. 📚Let me introduce two completely different Korean words with pronunciations similar to "dumb"'. 1. 덞[deolm]: to reduce the degree of a condition or action (= minus) 2. 덤[deom]: an item that is given or received a little more when buying or selling some..

(한강 공원) 환경/문화 기획! 외국인과 함께하는 플로깅 행사 진행 보조 도우미 모집 2022.10.30 (일)

[https://bit.ly/ploggingvolunteer] 1. 장소 / 일시 - 일시 : 2022.10.30 (일) 오후 1시~6시 (5시간) 사전 준비 / 사후 마무리 정리 포함 - 장소 : 여의도 한강공원 원효대교 남단 주차장 ~ 한강 마리나 요트 선착장 - 행사 홈피: https://bit.ly/jk-plogging2022 2. 대상 - 다국어/다문화/행사기획에 관심 있는 봉사자 - 고등학생 이상 - 행사 참여 유경험자 우대 3. 활동 내용 - 행사 안내 및 사전 준비 및 사후 정리 (영어 등 외국어 소통가능자 우대) - 진행 보조 (촬영/ 안내) 등 4. 신청 방법 - 신청 양식: 봉사자용 신청페이지 : https://bit.ly/jk-eventvol "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티"..

공지사항/모집 2022.09.20