'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아
프로그램 소식/조이누리 기자단

[조이누리 기자단] The Historic Park of Geoje P.O.W Camp - 정세영

조인어스코리아 2014. 6. 12. 16:43

 안녕하세요서울 잠신중학교에 재학중인 중학교 2학년 정세영이라고 합니다저는 어릴 때부터 영어를 쉽게 접할 수 있는 환경에서 자라서 그런지 큰 어려움 없이 영어’ 라는 언어에 흥미를 가지게 되었습니다

그래서 그런지영어로 기사를 쓰거나 글을 쓰는 것을 좋아하여 현재 교지편집부에서 기자로 활동하고 있습니다.

사실, “한국이라는 나라에 대한 잘못된 지식을 갖고 계신 외국인들이 꽤 많다는 사실이 저에게는 충격이었습니다우리나라를 외국인들에게 알리는데 조금이라도 보탬이 되었으면 하는 마음으로 조인어스코리아 에 봉사를 신청하게 되었는데저에게 이런 소중한 기회를 주셔서 감사하다는 말씀꼭 전해드리고 싶습니다 ^^

조이누리 기자단 정세영님에게 글남기기: 바로가기  

The Historic Park of Geoje P.O.W Camp


Today, I would like to introduce you a famous tourist attraction in Geoje (거제), the Historic Park of Geoje P.O.W Camp.

Geoje P.O.W camp was where prisoners of war (POW) were accommodated during the Korean War(6.25 전쟁). More than 17 thousand soldiers were imprisoned, and about 300 people were women. After a ceasefire was negotiated, the remains of the camp were restored in 1999 and became a popular tourist attraction.



Tank exhibit hall  

 diorama room



The first thing you see when you enter the camp is the tank exhibit hall. Instead of actual tanks, it is sort of an entrance to the historic park itself. While riding an escalator, you could see figures of important people in the Korean War such as Seung-man Lee, Jeong-ill Kim, etc.


After you are escalated (?), there is a diorama room. In the room, there are many photos took during the war, and figures that reenacted the scene of the P.O.W camp.




North Korea’s south invasion   

 Dae-dong River railroad bridge



On your way to the next exhibit hall, you could see some miniatures picturing the scenes of war. One is about North Korea’s invasion, and another describes the image of people running away south although the Dae-dong River railroad bridge was blown-up.



POW living hall 

  POW capturing hall



The POW living hall describes the living of POW. From the labor they did to what spoons they used, remains of their living are put on display.


The POW capturing hall fully explains the process of a POW’s capture. During a war, when North Korea or Chinese soldiers are found, they are captured right at the spot and sent to this camp.




Women prisoner’s camp   

   Idea conflicts between POW



There was a separate camp for women prisoners. They had a similar routine with any other POW but experienced some differences like clothing.


POWs could be divided into two groups. One group wanted to be sent back to North Korea after the war, and the members of the other group refused to do so. In other words, one group was for communism and the other was against communism. These two groups had many conflicts that eventually led to a riot. The conflict reached the big time when people who were for communism kidnapped Ridgway, M.B.


I believe visiting the Historic Park of Geoje P.O.W Camp will be able to help people understand the process of Korea’s division. I wish more people could know about the pitiful reality of North Korea and South Korea and support both Koreas’ unification. 

"다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO




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