'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아

글목록 1963

2019년 4월 재정 집행 / 주요 일정 보고

수입집계지출집계항목금액항목금액후원금개인후원 2,475,000 인건비 급여/사회 보험료 6,029,930 기타사업수익 897,000 사업비 교육 훈련비 89,600 기타열린한국어교실 780,000 사업비 회의비 127,500 기타기타 2,570 운영비 사무 유지관리비 891,000 보조금일자리지원사업 3,750,000 운영비 복리후생비 234,300 후원금해피빈후원 131,800 운영비 여비교통비 112,500 운영비 사무집기비 67,000 운영비 통신비 45,500 운영비 도서인쇄비 27,000 운영비 우편발송비 2,400 운영비 지급수수료 - 총수입(A)8,036,370총지출(B)7,626,730 4월 주요 일정 보고- 5: 한신대학생 인터뷰 응대 - 7: 신규 봉사자 면담 전형 및 열린한국어교실 #1..

[Review] Royal Culture Festival in Gyeongbokgung 2019.04.28 (Sun)

[Review] Royal Culture Festival in Gyeongbokgung 2019.04.28 (Sun) On April 28th, JOINUS KOREA invited foreign nationals to the "Royal Culture Festival" in Gyeonbokgung and was able to attend unforgettable unique royal cultual activities. Gyeonbokgung is the main palace of the Joseon Dynasty and known as the largerst palace among the Five Grand Palaces in Seoul. On this day, we were able to exper..

[1:1 Korean class] Quality is more important than quantity

[Part XIII] Quality is more important than quantity Our Bangladesh student and Korean teacher having their 15th week of Korean study together so far. The below story contains the combination of classes. "My student came from Bangladesh. On our first class, I took level test to determine the level of my student and so we can focus on what to study. To make class interesting, I prepared some gramm..

[1:1 Korean class] My First Korean Class

[Part XII] My First Korean Class "Today is our first lesson. My students came from USA and Kazakhstan. They wanted to learn the real conversation style which is used in speaking. Also, we started the study with . It was nice to meet you." by Ahn Ji Teacher Lessons:1. 제 이름은 ~이에요/예요.저는 ~살이에요.저는 ~에서 살고 있어요.왜 한국어를 배워요?,무슨 음식을 좋아해요? 2. 평소 궁금했던 한국어 표현에 대해 묻고 답..

[1:1 Korean Class] How to learn Korean when you are English Teacher?

[Part XI] How to learn Korean when you are English Teacher? "My student came from England, and she has been trying to learn Korean from many different books but she had not had much chance use Korean in daily life because she is English Teacher. Therefore, she was always speaking in English for the most of the time. She also have quite busy schedules due to trips and we pushed back our class a b..

[1:1 Korean class] Titles that new recruits need to know

[Part X] Learn Job Titles in Korean Learning new language is a quite challenging from my own experience when you do not have enough time. For me, I use mobile applications on the subway to memorize new words or watch some movies with subtitles which depends on what language I am learning. Also, I usually go to old bookstores to buy Korean children books with pictures which costs between 1000 won..

[1:1 Korean class] How to use (으)을까요 ?

[Part VIII] How to use (으)을까요? Do you know how to use grammar (으)을까요 ? This grammar is used to express guesses, thoughts or ask something from other person or yourself. Also, it can be used to worry about something or asking something possibility in the future. For example, 1. Korean: 왜 공부를 할까요 ? English: Why do we study? 2. Korean: 오늘 저녁 뭐 먹을까요? English: What should we eat tonight ? 3. Korean: ..

2019년 3월 재정 집행 / 주요 일정 보고

수입집계지출집계항목금액항목금액후원금개인회비 2,123,200 인건비 급여/사회 보험료 9,729,870 기타사업수익 3,865,400 사업비 교육 훈련비 289,100 기타한국어교실 540,000 사업비 회의비 484,600 기타기타 5,600 운영비 사무 유지관리비 891,000 보조금일자리지원사업 6,250,000 운영비 복리후생비 785,600 후원금해피빈후원 425,900 운영비 여비교통비 112,500 운영비 사무집기비 104,500 운영비 도서인쇄비 112,400 운영비 우편발송비 6,500 운영비 지급수수료 - 총수입(A)13,210,100총지출(B)12,516,070 3월 주요 일정 보고- 3: 열린한국어교실 #159차 수업 - 10: 신규 봉사자 면담 및 열린한국어교실 #160차 수업 -..