'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아

글목록 1963

Ep.5-① | Is there any Turkish food similar to Korean dumplings? Manti Çok lezzetli.

I knew that Korea and Turkey were brother countries, but I didn't know there were so many similarities! #Manti #lezzetli #hankercheif As expected, we seem to be a country of brothers Turkey has become more friendly : ) You should check it out on the video . [ Gesture Source ] : https://youtu.be/ZOsrnj5seZw 00:00 the movie 'Aila' 01:20 contents 01:25 1. turkish traditional food 02:23 2. turkish t..

JOINUS WORLD Ep.002 - Dog Meat

Hello everyone Today we're back with the second episode of JOINUS WORLD series 🌍🌱 Today's episode is about ✨Dog meat✨ Have you ever wondered why some Koreans eat dog meat? These days, it is not as popular as it was before, but some people in Korea still eat it. Swipe to find out why! For more information, please visit our website: https://www.joinusworld.org/qa "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO M..

Proverb Ep.003 - Wow you ate your food so quickly!

Hello everyone! Today we're going to tell you about a Korean proverb.😁 The phrase is: "(마파람에) 게 눈 감추듯" When someone blows air into your eyes, what do you do? Most likely, you would close them to protect your eyes. Likewise, when wind blows or something dangerous happens to a crab, it reacts by hiding its eyes. This action happens in a blink of an eye, so that's why Korean people use this phrase ..

조인어스코리아 2021 상임활동가 하반기 채용 공고 - <콘텐츠 제작자(영상 제작) 부문> (~08.20)

조인어스코리아는 서울시 소관 비영리 NGO단체로서, 국내 최대 20여가지 언어문화 재능활동가들을 회원으로 두고 있습니다. 이들 활동가들을 통해 다국어 지식나눔 웹에서 한국어를 모르는 외국인들이 자신의 모국어로 궁금한 사항을 질문할 경우, 그들의 해당 언어로 답변을 해 주는, 이른바 지식을 매개로 한 민간외교활동을 하고 있습니다. 앞으로 다가올 미래는 보다 진보된 네트워크로 이어진 글로벌 사회로써, 조인어스코리아는 온라인 상에서 세계인 모두가 함께 소통할 수 있는 글로벌 지식소통 생태계 환경을 조성하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. [위키백과] * 기본 공고 링크: https://bit.ly/jk-media2021a 채용 공고 ■ 담당 업무 o 조인어스코리아 정기 영상콘텐츠 제작업무 o 뉴미디어 및 소셜 네..

공지사항/모집 2021.08.05

Korean Class Scoper Ep.002 - TTMIK (aka. Talk to me in Korean)

Good afternoon everyone! Today we're going to give you some information about a Korean Class that you can take online! ⏩TTMIK is a media-based company that develops learning materials like textbooks, podcasts and videos for people to use while learning Korean. Have you ever tried using their materials/service? How was your experience? Please tell us down in the comment section below! "다국어&다문화 지식..

K-POP Ep.003: Alcohol-Free

Hello everyone! Today we're going to look into a phrase from #twice's song #alcholfree! This song goes well with summer and we want to share this line with you🌴 Were you able to understand every lines in this song? With us, you would be able to get the meaning better 🙂 Please tell us down in the comment section below so that we can deal with their songs someday in the future✨ "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤..

Why did Chaeri suddenly disappear? 휴가중이에요!

See you next week with a more fun & useful Silk Road episode☺ This is a useful sentence to use in hot weather like these days #휴가 #방학 #여름 더위 먹지 마세요 [ deowi meogji maseyo ] → Be careful of the heat, Stay cool See you next week : ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 🏫 To learn more about JK KOREAN ACADEMY ! ❣️visit : https://linktr.ee/learnkorean⁣ #언어문화NGO #조인어스코리아 #j..

Korean Slang Ep.002 - You put up a good fight

Hello everyone~Today we’re going to tell you about Korean Slang ‘졌잘싸’😝 Have you ever heard this Korean word before? ‘졌잘싸’ is abbreviation of ‘졌지만 잘 싸웠다’ and it means ‘You lost, but you fought well’. You can use it to console your friend after he/she fails something. And you can use this expression to the players who lose the game. 🏃‍♀️ Do you guys have a similar word in your country? Please shar..

2021년 07 월 재정 집행 / 주요 일정 보고

07월 주요 일정 보고 보고 4: 신입 봉사자 사전 면담 및 열린한국어교실 #248차 수업 6,9,12,13 : 실크로드 인도편 촬영 8: 인스타그램 마케팅 교육 수강 9: '삼각지' 공간 입주협약식 (서울npo 센터) 11: 신입 봉사자 사전 면담 및 열린한국어교실 #249차 수업 16: 실크로드 모로코편 촬영 18: 신입 봉사자 사전 면담 및 열린한국어교실 #250차 수업 25: 신입 봉사자 사전 면담 및 열린한국어교실 #251차 수업 "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO MULTILINGUAL KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE & SHARING COMMUNITY JOINUSWORLD.ORG 조인어스코리아는 국내 최대 20 언어권 ‘국경 없는 언어문화 지식교류활동가’(JOKOER..

EP2 | обалдеть..! When Koreans fell in love with Russian culture 🇷🇺❤️

실크로드 여정, 두 번째 국가 #러시아 We can understand each other through language and culture exchanges #обалдеть ##тостзавашездоровье #Давай Would you like to fall in love with Russia? (Except for drinking too much😂) 📍Full version = JOINUS KOREA youtube Guess our next destination✈️ ---------------------------------------------------------------- �� To learn more about JK KOREAN ACADEMY ! ❣️visit : https://li..