'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아
프로그램 소식/조이누리 기자단

[조이누리 기자단] 이수정 - Hot &Hit TV Programs

조인어스코리아 2015. 2. 5. 10:50

Hot &Hit TV Programs


Those are hot TV shows these days. Every different day, we can enjoy different and  variety of TV programs. The hot trends thesedays are foreigner and babies. Foreigner shows us their unique way of thinking and cute Korean accent. Babies are cuuuuute(needless to say). I always look forward to watch them and waiting for them makes my everyday life happy. This is a list of hot &hit TV programs I and others watch.




<Non Summit>

Broadcast: JTBC

Time: Mon 11:00pm

Ratings: 4.4% 

One of the MOST hot TV programs that people love these days. 12men from different countries have a conference in Korean. We can learn different ways of thinking. (and the men are cute and gentle;) )





Broadcast: SBS

Time: Tue, 11:15pm

Ratings: 4.8% 

Actors, singers, and comedians stay in the same house for some days, and show their living and events.



<Radio Star>

Broadcast: MBC

Time: Wed, 11:15pm

Ratings: 7.2%

 They move radio set into TV. It is a talk show with 3 to 4 guests. 




<Happy Together>

Broadcast: KBS

Time: Thu, 11:10pm

Ratings: 6.3%

 It's a talk show taken in Korean dry sauna set. MCs and guests wear Korean sauna clothes, and the set is really looks like an jjimjilbang. Korean number one MC, 유재석You Jae Seok, is a main MC of this program. Happy Together started in 2001. This is a long last, and long loved program of Korea.



As the Friday is the hottest day of a week, Friday has many fun programs.


<Rules of Jungle정글의 법칙>

Broadcast: SBS

Time: Fri, 10:00pm

Ratings: 15.7%

The members go to real jungle, and live there for a week. There is nothing in jungle, they start from just nature. They should make fire, house, food, and etc. 





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조인어스코리아는 국내 최대 29개 ‘국경 없는 언어문화 지식교류활동가’(JOKOER)를 회원으로 하는 NGO로써,
지식을 통해 세계인과 교류하는 다국어&다문화 지식허브 커뮤니티를 운영하는 순수 비영리 민간외교 단체 입니다.