'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아
프로그램 소식/조이누리 기자단

[조이누리 기자단] 이채은 - Themepark in the middle of the city: Lotteworld

조인어스코리아 2015. 1. 29. 11:46

이채은 - Themepark in the middle of the city: Lotteworld

사진 출저 : http://www.bnsholiday.com/?attachment_id=1124

Lotte world is one of the most biggest amusement park in the World. It is also in world's

top 20 theme park list. In addition, many foreign visitors were very interested in the fact that

this theme park is in the middle of Korea's capital city.



사진출저 : http://www.themeparkreview.com/parks/photo.php?pageid=400&linkid=9902

This map is for foreign visitors tourist who visits Lotteworld. As you can see in the map,

Lotteworld is divided in to two place, Magic Island and Lotteworld Adventure. The difference

between those two places is that Magic Island is outdoor theme park and Lotteworld

Adventure is indoor theme park which is the most biggest indoor themepark in the

world.Those two theme parks are connected to each other, and also you can move from

one to the other by riding on 'mono rail'.


Lotteworld's TOP 3 Rides (for who loves thrill)



사진출저 : http://thomson.tistory.com/608



원문보기 : http://www.joinusworld.org/joinus/community/view/4985/

"다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO




조인어스코리아는 국내 최대 29개 ‘국경 없는 언어문화 지식교류활동가’(JOKOER)를 회원으로 하는 NGO로써,
지식을 통해 세계인과 교류하는 다국어&다문화 지식허브 커뮤니티를 운영하는 순수 비영리 민간외교 단체 입니다.