'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아

korea 46

[Korean Class] Fall in Poetry

Autumn is the best season for reading.Let's fall in Korean Poetry together! Don't miss our Korean Class! ● Sunday class (at our office)http://j.mp/jk-korean ● 1:1 class (any time/place/any level preferred)http://j.mp/1to1korean "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGOMULTILINGUAL KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE & SHARING COMMUNITY JOINUSWORLD.ORG 조인어스코리아는 국내 최대 29개 ‘국경 없는 언어문화 지식교류활동가’(JOKOER)를 회원으로 하는 NGO로써, 지식을 통해..

[1:1 Korean Class] Can you properly translate "long straight hair" in Korean?

Daily Vocabulary: How to describe appearance in Korean How can you describe your hair style or shape of the face?Do you know how to properly translate the "long straight hair" in Korean? We learned those and more in today's Korean Class!(Seogang Korean p.80-85) There are very interesting and unique expressions when it comes to describe the appearance in Korea. Since the words used in describing ..

[Korean Class] 광복절 National liberation day of Korea

8.15 National liberation day of Korea! This wednesday(8.15) is 74th anniversary of National liberation day of Korea.Celebrate the liberation from Japanese occupation, on August 15,a day to celebrate Republic of Korea government establishment.also, Don't forget to register our Korean Class! ● Sunday class (at our office)http://j.mp/jk-korean ● 1:1 class (any time/place/any level preferred)http://..

[Korean Class] Let's go have some 보양식(Boyangsik)!

The summer finally came to us Check how is the summer of Korea! Interested? There are more things you learn in our Korean Class! Apply to Korean Class ---> http://j.mp/1on1korean * Seoul/ Gyeonggi-do/ Suwon area * Anytime & any level & no age restrictions * Any Nationalities ⠀ [Contact]Email: joinus@joinuskorea.orgKakao ID: joinuskoreaFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/openkoreanclass/Whatsapp: ..

[대표님 몰래쓰는 조코즈 인턴 일기] 1화. 조코즈, 경찰서에 가다!

!!!속보!!! 디오쌤 경찰서에서 발견?! 조코즈가 인턴 첫 날부터 경찰서에 다녀왔다고 하는데요!! 도대체 무슨일일까요?더운날 여러분에게 소소한 재미를 안겨드릴 조코즈 인턴일기! 1화부터 범상치 않은데요... 무슨 일이 있었던건지 함께 살펴볼까요? [Ep.1. JOKOs go to the police station] !!!BREAKING NEWS!!! the chairperson of Joinus Korea was found at the police station!! It is said that Joko went to the police station on the first day at work!! What's happening?We bring the episode of Intern's Secret Di..

[대표님 몰래쓰는 조코즈 인턴 일기] Intro. 조코 소개

안녕하세요. 2018 하계 인턴 10기 알록과 달록입니다. 알록, 달록은 다양한 색깔을 가지고 있는 저희들이 만나 아름다운 세상을 만들자는 의미로 지었습니다. 앞으로 연재될 인턴일기를 소개합니다. 두 달간 계속 업로드 될 예정이니 좋아요와 댓글 부탁드려요~ Hello. We are interns of JOINUS KOREA, Allok and Dallok. Our name means 'colorful' in Korean and it implies creating a wonderful world together. Intern's Secret Diary is to be continued til August. "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGOMULTILINGUAL KNOWLEDGE E..