'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아
프로그램 소식/조이누리 기자단

[조이누리 기자단] 이세빈 - Last Christmas-Christmas in Coutries

조인어스코리아 2015. 1. 5. 12:03

[Last Christmas-Christmas in Coutries]

조이누리기자단 이세빈

"Frosty the Snowman, was a jolly happy soul,

 With a corn cob pipe and a button nose, and two eyes made of coal."

This lyric is from the song "frosty the snowman".




 25th, December, We had a pulchritudinous Christmas!

 How was your christmas?


All over the world, lots of countries had great christmas.

Don't you wonder what thingies were in those countries?

In UK, most villages, towns and cities are decorated with Christmas lights over Christmas. Ofttimes, famous people switches them on. The most famous Christmas lights in the UK are in Oxford Street in London.


Every year they get bigger and better and thousands of people go to watch the big 'switch on' around the beginning of November. Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe are awesome decorations!

Apart from that thingies, there are some customs that only take place in the UK. Wassailing is one of them. Wassailing is an old anglo-saxon custom that doesn't take place much today. The term 'wassail' comes from the Anglo-saxon phrase 'waeshael', which means 'good health'. Originally, the wassail was a drink made of mulled ale, curdled cream, roasted apples, eggs, cloves, ginger, nutmeg and sugar. It was sometimes called 'Lamb's Wool', since the pulp of the roasted apples looked all frothy and a bit like Lambs Wool!

In USA, they decorate the streets with lights same as UK. Perhaps the most famous Christmas street lights in the USA are at the Rockerfeller Center in New York where there is a huge Christmas Tree with a public ice skating rink in front of it.


Customs such as Mumming take place in USA. On New Year's Day in Philadelphia there is a Mummer's Day parade which lasts over six hrs! In the Southwest USA, there are some special customs which have some similarites to those in parts of Mexico. These include 'luminarias' or 'farolitos' which are paper sacks partly filled with sand and then have a candle put in them. They are lit on Christmas Eve and are put the edges of paths. Also, in Hawaii, Santa is called Kanakaloka!


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