'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아

[New] Korean Language Classes that you want ! With Your Taste, Try Free Trial Classes ! [~ Aug 20]

조인어스코리아 2023. 7. 30. 13:51


Hello, JOINUS KOREA, a language and culture NGO invites you to a new event in Noeul Korean Class 🇰🇷

In the upcoming September, JK Korean language class will hold a free Korean language class event for foreigners living in Korea! Our classes are perfect for anyone who wants to learn the Korean language, explore Korean culture, or prepare for the TOPIK test.

📍 Enrollment period: ~ August 20th, 2023
(Enrollment is confirmed after you deposit into the account) 


📍 Event duration: During September ( 1 month )


📍 Note: the first month (Trial event period) proceeds for free.
Instead, there is a deposit (30,000 KRW) upon application, which is refundable.


📍 Deposit refund policy 

Refunds are possible in the following cases:

1. cancel because the class you want isn't open.

2. notice of no-show 24 hours before the class start

3. cancel after more than 2 attendances.


📍Learning Period : Sep 3rd ~ Feb 25th ( 6 months ),
( The final class schedule will be determined once the class composition is finalized, but generally, it takes place every Sunday afternoon. )


📍 Tuition Fee: 150,000 KRW ( USD 150) for entire 6 months
(우리은행(WOORI BANK) / 1006-601-456313 / 조인어스코리아)  

(donation for program sustainability / tax-deductible)

- Donation receipt available  


► Class Details

     Duration: 2 hrs class (+1 hour: free talking only during offline class)

Subject Textbook
Conversation & Grammar 서울대 한국어 1A / 1B (SNU 1-A / B)
Free talking Free topics 
TOPIK 에듀윌 TOPIK II Eduwill Korean Language Proficiency Test TOPIK II
K-WAVE K-drama / movie


Options Location

near Worldcup park Goyang city 
near Apgujeong station. Gangnam Gu, Seoul

Online ( Zoom / Google meet )
On the phone


Registration : https://bit.ly/jk-korean2023fallfm 


Inquiry : https://linktr.ee/contact.jk    


Why is the tuition so low? 
The program is run by dedicated semi-professional volunteers. 
We rely solely on donations to cover the minimal costs of running the NGO office. 



Experience Korean language and Korean culture!


Conversation & Grammar, Free talking, K-wave and TOPIK classes are provided and there is also some spare time to share Korean culture together during class.


Don’t miss this opportunity to prepare for TOPIK exams or learn a simple conversation in Korean.


It will be a good opportunity to listen to and practice speaking Korean and experience Korean culture through face-to-face classes.


함께해주셔서 감사합니다! 🙆‍♀️❣️


언어문화NGO 조인어스코리아






 "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO


JOINUS KOREA is the biggest NGO in Korea which has 20 linguistic spheres members called 'Language Culture Knowledge Exchange Activists without Borders' (JOKOER). It is a purely non-profit private diplomacy organization that operates a Multilingual & Multicultural knowledge hub community that interacts with people all around the world through the knowledge.