'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아
프로그램 소식/Daily JOKOer

[1 on 1 Korean Class] Master Using Transportation by Learning Expressions

조인어스코리아 2019. 9. 20. 09:47

The Basic Expressions Used in Daily Life!

: Transportation Talk 🚌

To travel around the city in foreign country, perhaps one of the most important thing you should learn in advance would be expressions about the use of transportation. Unless you drive your own car, you will have to use bus, subway, or taxi. In this point, Ruby(from Malaysia) and his teacher Chae have went through the basic conversations regarding to transportation use.

🚗 좀 빨리 가 주세요.

: Can you go quickly?

🚗 우회전/좌회전 해 주세요.

: Please make a right/left turn.

🚗 근처에 지하철 역이 어디에 있어요?

: Where is the nearest subway station?

🚗 코엑스에 가려면 지하철 몇 호선을 타야 돼요?

: Which subway line should I take to go to COEX?

🚗 이 버스가 명동에 가요?

: Does this bus go to Myeong-dong?

🚗 환승하다/갈아타다

: Transfer

 Simple, but really useful. If you get lost or confused while using public transportation, do not hesitate but ask someone around you. The simple sentences above will definitely help you. Better than map, it would be faster, sometimes even more accurate!

-Based on the log by Korean Teacher, Chae


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