'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아
프로그램 소식/Daily JOKOer

[1:1 Korean Class] How to learn Korean when you are English Teacher?

조인어스코리아 2019. 4. 18. 11:30

[Part XI] How to learn Korean when you are English Teacher? 

"My student came from England, and she has been trying to learn Korean from many different books but she had not had much chance use Korean in daily life because she is English Teacher. Therefore, she was always speaking in English for the most of the time.  She also have quite busy schedules due to trips and we pushed back our class a bit longer. I was afraid that my student might not remember the words but i was relieved and so glad that she did not forgot lessons. I thought we need to find a way to use Korean in daily life to motivate her. After one class, we went to the National Hangeul Museum and the Main Museum which we practiced our conversations and felt more closer than before. We are learning various type of topics to make sure student understand the expressions and does not feel awkwardness in making sentences and speaking in Korean. " by Moon Jun Teacher

Study material: 서강한국어 1a, 서강한국어 워크북, 한국어 문법활동집

#joinuskorea #1on1koreanclass #sundaykoreanclass #studyinseoul

1:1 Korean Private Class : http://j.mp/1on1korean

* Time and location flexible 

* Experienced and Qualified Korean Experts 

* A beginner to advanced level 

* Effective and sharpening skills

* Saves time in studying 

Sunday Korean Class :   http://j.mp/jk-korean

*Every Sunday 3pm to 5pm 

*Experienced and Qualified Korean Experts 

* A beginner to Elementary level 

* Meet and positive people and grow together

* Real life group conversations 

Free Korean Level Test :  http://j.mp/jk-kotest3

* Check your level to know which class is better for you ! 



<Refund policy>

After the first tutoring/class , you can ask to change your teacher or get full refund if you don't want to continue our program in the future. Contact E-mail: joinus@joinuskorea.org Kakao ID: joinuskorea 

"다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO



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