'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아
프로그램 소식/조이누리 기자단

[조이누리 기자단] 예유나 – (16) DMZ Museum

조인어스코리아 2015. 3. 16. 17:40

[조이누리 기자단] 예유나 – (16) DMZ Museum


   The hint I gave you about my next article was about the DMZ Museum! DMZ stands for Demilitarized Zone, and this museum stands for the pain of dispersed families, military conflicts, and the suffering North Korea citizens. It’s a tragedy of the terrible incident-that caused now Korea to be the one and only divided nation in the world.


DMZ Museum


The Location of DMZ Museum


Armistice Agreement


DMZ Wire Fence


The Bills from North Korea


The Paleolithic period artifacts found in DMZ


Animals living in the DMZ


It shows the tragedy of DMZ


   ‘The Unblessed birth’ exhibition presents the process how DMZ was made and Korea’s timeline. The Armistice Agreement shows William Harrison, an American lieutenant general, Nam II, a North Korean army general signed a cease-fire on July 27th, 1953. There is also a letter of an American captive, taken prisoner of Chinese communist army until he returned to America on August 13th, 1953. He sent the letter in a North Korean prison camp to his family in Brooklyn NY, USA. The second exhibition, ‘The inheritance of the cold war continues’ show the hostile defense even after the cease-fire, the war’s evidence and artifacts discovered. There is a sign of the Military Demarcation Line from around Im Jin River to the eastern coast of Korea. It also shows the headquarters of the Labor Party and a town of Punch Bowl that endured the battles of Punch Bowl. The bills North Korea sent during the defense is interesting, making a claim that North Korea lives very fluent, which is false. ‘But DMZ is still alive’ show the DMZ’s ecosystem and the artifacts uncovered. There are remains uncovered art East Sea Line of the two Korea’s cross border railways and shows the animals you can see in the DMZ zone if Korea unifies. The last exhibition, ‘DMZ, the land that dreams again’ goes through time when each side made peace with each other as the Protocol of the exchange and cooperation between North and South Gangwon-do or the friendly ice hockey match between North and South Korea that shows uniforms worn during the game. Information needed? The website http://www.dmzmuseum.com/museum/eng/sub03_04.phpis in service.


   After sixty years, Korea has lost is original culture and went into separate ways. We need unification for the sake of our country and many benefits. However, I ask you, would people want unification after all those years? Some would say ‘no’. However, after writing an article about Korea’s painful history long ago, I ask you to help me spread the importance of unification not soak myself in sadness. If you still don’t understand, find its meaning in the DMZ Museum, and I hope many readers will follow my word.

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