'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아
자원봉사자/봉사 관련 양식

Information on the Naver Cafe Member level-up system (ENG)

yelldio 2023. 12. 7. 17:06

- Original (국문) : https://cafe.naver.com/joinuskorea/2207

💡 Activists, hope you support each volunteer’s visions and dreams~!

※ Please write one Activist Introduction (you can find this in the category bar on the left side) and 5 welcoming & cheering comments on other members' posts. Then you will automatically be registered as [General Member activists] (However, if you delete the posting and comments after registration, you will be permanently forced to leave)


- When you start writing, please check out the English Activist Introduction form and use its copy.


* Incheon > Gyeonggi / Daejeon, Sejong > Chungcheong / Gwangju > Jeolla / Ulsan, Daegu, Busan > Gyeongsang (ex. If you live in Incheon, you can write your post in the Gyeonggi section)





[Things to keep in mind when writing]


1. Self-introduction questions are organized with questions about your past/present/future.

This is for getting to know each volunteer and promoting friendship before activating offline meetings. (☞ Example of Self-Introduction)



2. If poor content is found, you can be demoted. At this time, you can request re-opening to our office after supplementing the requirements. (☞ You can use Re-opening board)

  1. Café nickname: If it is not written under the real name of Korean (including the First and last name), re-posting is required after deletion
  • (If the name is duplicated, add an alias after the name) ☞ Yes. Kim Soo Han Sean 99, Kim Soo Han, you go out, and so on...
  1. When written in a dismissive manner
  2. Non-compliance with title form and bulletin board classification
  3. If there are many missing items
  4. Other



3. If you post your nickname without changing it to your real name, the name of the author of the existing posting cannot be changed even if you modify the nickname afterward and you need to Delete and repost. Therefore, please make sure to change your nickname before posting for the first time.



Please modify the cafe nickname (user name) to name (or surname/name, not duplicated nickname). (Only in case of name duplication, add nickname after name, etc.)

Ex. Kim Soo Han Sean 99, Kim Soo Han 1111, etc...

※ Posts written in non-real name (café name) may be deleted without prior notice.







🔸How to modify cafe nicknames (based on the PC screen)



Please check each cafe nickname/ID

  1. Please be sure that we turn down the membership of volunteers who simply aim to acquire service hours only in the short term.
  2. In the event of demotion, please check the contents above and complement and request [(re)registration request board] (☞ (RE)Opening Request Board)
  3. Not writing an activist introduction letter and violation of the registration rules (in one case, registered due to the creation of other posts): 7 days of suspension of activities Penalty given


[Tips for writing posts in the cafe]

🔸Note | How to insert an image (picture) (based on the PC screen)

🔸You can inquire/write the post from the general activist level or higher, so please fill the Activist Introduction out in advance.



[Announcement of the Circle Membership Opening ]

Fill out the opening report from the ‘(8) Report of club opening’ report menu below.

  • Cafe nickname: Name + club name
  • (e.g. Kim Soo Han, 1st JOKOJO)



Thank you for joining us!


Language Culture NGO JOINUS KOREA

We support your dreams and visions!







 "다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO


JOINUS KOREA is the biggest NGO in Korea which has 20 linguistic spheres members called 'Language Culture Knowledge Exchange Activists without Borders' (JOKOER). It is a purely non-profit private diplomacy organization that operates a Multilingual & Multicultural knowledge hub community that interacts with people all around the world through the knowledge.