'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아
자원봉사자/봉사 관련 양식

이메일 발송 샘플 - 인터뷰 요청 이메일

조인어스코리아 2015. 9. 23. 18:26

Dear xxxxx,

I am a member of volunteer Interview group from JOINUS KOREA, a non governmental organization (NGO) in the area of private diplomacy.

We are sending this email to have an opportunity to have an interview with you at your convenient time.

To briefly explain about the program, its purpose is to highlight Korea’s current phase on various aspects such as culture, society, and international relations through the voice of each expats to Korea who is the representative of each area and language around the world. Also, it arranged to enhance the understanding of multi-culturalism and arouse the sense of multi-cultural coexistent community.


This interview project also seeks to disperse the heavy attention towards America, China and Japan to various countries around the world.


I hope you to accept this meaningful interview to highlight the multiple perspectives on culture and to improve the understandings of global citizenships.      

Thank you and we look forward to hearing back from you.  



Narim, Park

contact. 010-xxxx-xxxx

To see more at here (JOINUS KOREA)

Multilingual Knowledge Exchange IT NGO JOINUS KOREA

(158-885) 8F Haenuri-Town, 81 Mokdongdongro, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea
T (+82)70-7839-5200 / F (+82)2-2654-7697

Non-Profit Organization comprised of knowledge sharing activists (JOKOER) working in 29 different languages for language and culture without boarder.