'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아

culture 7

"너는 마지막 반전을 예상했니?🎥💫"

In October, the peak of fall, a variety of cultural events are held each year to capture the spirit of the season.Among them, the third Saturday in October is Culture Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness and participation in the arts!To celebrate Culture Day, why not check out a movie or exhibition you've always wanted to see?🎥 Thanks for joining us 😊❣️ 가을의 절정인 10월이 되면, 계절의 정서에 맞게 매년 다양한 ..

[Korean Class] What comes to mind in autumn?

🍁Words related to Autumn🍂 If you want to know your score,Please click this link and check our website!https://www.joinusworld.org Class Sunday Class (at our office)https://j.mp/jk-korean 1:1 Class (any time/place/any level preferred)https://j.mp/1to1korean Free Korean Level Testhttps://j.mp/jk-kotest3 Contact ● Email: joinus@joinuskorea.org● Kakao ID: joinuskorea● Facebook: https://www.facebook...

[Korean Class] Let Me Introduce You the Newest Korean Language!

😎 Newly Coined Words in Korea 😎 The world changes quickly, the cultures change, and the language, also change. There are so many emerging words in Korea as in other different countries.Among those, let me introduce some of the newest, the most popular coined words in Korea! They are fun, and practical since most of the young Korean are well-known of them.You can use them in your daily conversati..

[Sunday Korean Class] What should be done for a successful weekend?

Practicing Numbers in Korean and More! In our Sunday Korean Class this week, we had mainly learned about the numbers(in beginners' class 1, 2). Besides just simply learning how to read and write numbers in Korean, we practiced those in everyday conversations like when paying, calculating, mentioning birthday date, and more. Plus, learning the measurements of numbers was quite confused but also s..

[1:1 Korean Class] Can you properly translate "long straight hair" in Korean?

Daily Vocabulary: How to describe appearance in Korean How can you describe your hair style or shape of the face?Do you know how to properly translate the "long straight hair" in Korean? We learned those and more in today's Korean Class!(Seogang Korean p.80-85) There are very interesting and unique expressions when it comes to describe the appearance in Korea. Since the words used in describing ..

[조이누리 기자단] 채지은 - ⑥ 54개 민족이 어울려 사는 나라《베트남》

54개 민족이 어울려 사는 나라《베트남》 (조인어스 코리아와 함께하는 다문화 탐구 ⑥) ​ 인도차이나 반도 동쪽의 해안선을 따라 남북으로 길게 위치하고 있는 베트남은 54개 민족이 어울려 살고 있는 다민족 국가이다. 각각의 소 수 민족들마다 고유의 문화와 언어 가 있다. 가장 많은 수를 차지하고 있는 ‘낀족’은 유교문화의 영향 을 받았고 그 외의 소수민족들은 힌두교 문화 또는 샤머니즘 문화의 영향을 받았다. 세계 제 2위의 쌀 수출 국가로 세계적으로 잘 알려진 전통의상인 ‘아오자이’를 입고 고깔모자 모양의 ‘논라’를 쓴 아름다운 여인이 연상되는 매력적인 나라이다. · 위치 : 동남아시아 인도차이나반도 동부· 면적 : 33만 991㎢ · 수도 : 하노이· 인구 : 약 9,342만 명 · 공용어 : 베트남어..