'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아

Holiday 3

2024년, 여러분 덕분에 따뜻한 한 해였습니다!

Who are you spending the holidays with this year?We'd like to thank everyone who has been with us throughout 2024🧡It's been a warm and meaningful time.Tag someone you'd like to remember in the comments~We hope you have a warm and healthy holiday season🔥올해 연말은 누구랑 보내시나요?2024년 한 해 동안 함께해 주신 모든 분들께 감사의 인사를 드립니다🧡덕분에 더욱 따뜻하고 의미 있는 시간이었습니다.댓글에 함께 기억하고 싶은 사람을 태그해주세요~ 남은 시간도 따뜻하고 건강한 연말 보내시길 바랍니다🔥함께..

EPISODE 7: Want to go out in winter? (out/indoor activities)

JK original contents ver2. will deliver information about Korean Culture, Language, and Life Hack linked to K-POP! Today's topic is ‘The place to visit in December’, for both outdoor and indoor activities lovers! 2024 is almost there! How was your 2023? For us, it is one of the most hectic year haha 🤣 Until the last day of this year, we JOINUS KOREA always wishes your hope 🙏 First, the outdoor(외..

[Korean Class] 2019 Chuseok - 'Korea's thanksgiving day'

2019 Chuseok This Friday is Chuseok. Chuseok is one of the biggest holidays in Korea.Let's learn the vocabulary related to traditional Korean holiday culture. Class Sunday Class (at our office)https://j.mp/jk-korean 1:1 Class (any time/place/any level preferred)https://j.mp/1to1korean Free Korean Level Testhttps://j.mp/jk-kotest3 Contact● Email: joinus@joinuskorea.org● Kakao ID: joinuskorea● Fac..