'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아
프로그램 소식/조이누리 기자단

[조이누리 기자단] 예유나 - ⑪ Gongju National Museum

조인어스코리아 2015. 1. 15. 09:22

예유나 - ⑪ Gongju National Museum

Hello, I’m Yuna, and what you are looking at is my eleventh article.


For recommendation, I will be giving you a peek of Gongju National Museum. An interesting fact: Gongju National Museum provides more than 40,000 objects! We can see the efforts to preserve Baekje era very clearly from its research from excavated articles and cultural properties overseas.


This is Gongju National Museum.


Stone Guardian Animal - National Treasure No.162.


Gold Diadem Ornaments (King) - National Treasure No.154.


Gold Earrings (Queen) - National Treasure No.157.


Gilt-Bronze Standing Avalokitesvara (National Treasure No.247).



[하단 하략]

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