August 23 is “Baseball Day” every year in South Korea. ⚾ It was established on August 23, 2008, to commemorate South Korea's first gold medal in Olympic baseball. This Content was created with Korean expressions that can actually come in handy on the field :) Spice up the baseball game on the field with these Korean expressions!
Thank you for joining us 😊❣️
한국의 매년 8월 23일은 ‘야구의 날’입니다. ⚾ 이는 2008년 8월 23일, 한국이 올림픽 야구에서 첫 금메달을 획득한 것을 기념하여 제정된 날입니다. 이번 오콘은 경기장에서 실제로 유용하게 사용할 수 있는 한국어 표현들을 담아 제작되었습니다 :) 한국어 표현을 활용하여 경기장에서 야구의 열기를 더해보세요!
More Than Language & Culture 👩❤👨 JOINUS KOREA (SEOUL City Certified Language & Culture NGO)
"다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO
JOINUS KOREA is the biggest NGO in Korea which has 20 linguistic spheres members called 'Language Culture Knowledge Exchange Activists without Borders' (JOKOER). It is a purely non-profit private diplomacy organization that operates a Multilingual & Multicultural knowledge hub community that interacts with people all around the world through the knowledge.