'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아

[invitation] 2019 Sinchon Water Gun Festival (신촌 물총 축제)

조인어스코리아 2019. 6. 23. 15:51

The Summer has just begun !

JOINUS KOREA invites you to the Water Gun festival in Sinchon.

It is held only once a year, and this is the 7th Water Gun Festival held in Yonsei-ro. Not only you can have fun in the water gun battle, but also enjoy various activities such as  DJ Performance and street event.

 Join us to shoot away summer heat!

▶Date: 2019. 07. 07 (Sun) 13:30~18:00 

*Please arrive 15 min earlier for moving!

▶Gathering: Sinchon Station Exit 5 (line 2)

▶ Fee: Free (Those who attend the dinner share the bill)

- 13:30 ~ 17:00 - main event 
- 17:00 - 19:00 - dinner & game (as long as you wish)


▪ kakao plus : http://j.mp/kko-joinuskorea 
▪ fb messenger: https://m.me/joinuskorea 
▪ whatsapp : https://wa.me/827078395200  
▪ telegram: https://t.me/joinuskorea 


"다국어&다문화 지식공유/교류 커뮤니티" 운영 IT NGO



조인어스코리아는 국내 최대 29개 ‘국경 없는 언어문화 지식교류활동가’(JOKOER)를 회원으로 하는 NGO로써,
지식을 통해 세계인과 교류하는 다국어&다문화 지식허브 커뮤니티를 운영하는 순수 비영리 민간외교 단체 입니다.