'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아
프로그램 소식/조이누리 기자단

[조이누리 기자단] 국립경주박물관(Kyungju National Museum) - 예유나

조인어스코리아 2014. 5. 23. 10:50


 안녕하세요?  부산 해운대구 센텀중학교 1학년에 재학 중인 예유나입니다. 어릴 때부터 영어를 좋아했고, 특히 2011-2012년 아빠가 2년간 미국 캘리포니아 UC Irvine에 교환교수로 계실 때 함께 얼바인에 거주하면서 초등 4~6학년 시절을 보냈습니다. 미국에 있는 동안 정말 많은 여행을 다녔고 특히 60여개의 박물관을 방문했답니다. 더불어 학교 수업도 열심히 해서 Advanced class에서 공부했구요, SCCC (Southern California Children’s Chorus)의 단원으로서도 활약했답니다. 현재는 센텀중학교를 대표하여 부산 영어도서관의 Reading Star (영어독서 선도위원)으로 활약하고 있습니다. 앞으로의 꿈은 외교관 또는 통역사이기에 특히 조인어스월드에서 소중한 봉사활동을 할 수 있게 되서 정말 감사합니다~

조이누리 기자단 예유나님에게 글남기기: 바로가기  

Hello, my name is Yuna.  This is my second article about Korean museums. I’d like to get you to know Gyeongju National Museum. Gyeongju served as the capital of Silla (57 BC~935 AD) for about a thousand years and has a lot of historical heritage. In 2000, UNESCO put Gyeongju’s historic heritage to its World Heritage Sites. If you visit Gyeongju National Museum, you can see a lot of cultural treasures. More than 4,500 items are on display as the permanent exhibition. When I visited here last year, most exhibition rooms were under the reconstruction, so I could see a part of permanent exhibition in a small special room. However, you can enjoy everything now.

The museum’s garden is displaying outdoor exhibits including the famous Bell of King Seongdeok. It served as a model for Buddhist bells in the United Silla Period. You can see Pensive Bodhisattva in Silla Art Gallery. This style of statue was first made in India, and it was originally referred to in China as the Pensive Crown Prince. This is considered to be one of the Buddhist statues with the greatest aesthetic value from the Three Kingdoms Period.



The Divine Bell of King Seongdeok was made in 771 AD and is the largest extant bell in Korea. National Treasure of Korea no. 29

The Pensive Bodhisattva statue sits on a chair with its right foot crossed on top of the left knee but two arms were lost long ago.

Also, you can see several kinds of Roof-end Tiles in Silla Art Gallery. The most famous one is Roof-end tile with face. This is vividly decorated by a face with an innocent smile. The most famous exhibit in this museum is Gold Crown in Silla History Gallery. This is a typical gold crown of Silla, and is decorated with a lot of gold spangles and curved pieces of jade. 

This is Roof-end Tile with face. The face was likely meant to repel evil spirits.

This gold crown matches the form common to the latter years of Silla period.

National Treasure of Korea No. 188

There is Saturday Museum Tours for foreigners. It’s free with admission ticket and you can get more information on the website (http://gyeongju.museum.go.kr) with English version. Children’s museum provides hands-on exhibitions and educational nine activities in a fun way. You can visit a lot of archaeological sites and cultural properties, such as Seokguram grotto, Bulguksa temple, Cheomseongdae Observatory, and Yangdog Folk Village near this museum. 

The Seokguram grotto is a heritage and part of the Bulguksa temple complex. It is National Treasure of Korea No. 24 and was added to UNESCO World Heritage List in 1995.

Bulguksa is a head temple of Korean Buddhism and includes Dabotap and Seokgatap stone pagodas. It was added UNESCO World Heritage List in 1995.

Cheomseongdae is an astronomical observatory and is National Treasure of Korea no. 31.

Yangdong Folk Village is a traditional village from the Joseon Dynasty. It was added to UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2010.




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