'국경없는 언어문화 지식나눔 NGO' | 조인어스코리아

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🐰계묘년 새해 복 많이 받으세요(Happy Lunar New Year Greetings)🐰

안녕하세요, 언어문화NGO 조인어스코리아입니다❣ 어느새 벌써 시간이 흘러 2023년 계묘년의 음력설이 우리에게 다가왔습니다. 계묘년의 설날은 다른 해보다 더 빠르게 저희에게 찾아와준 것 같습니다. 여러분들은 어떠한 설 연휴를 보낼 계획이신가요? 최근 해외로 가는 하늘길이 점차 열리기 시작하면서, 큰 기회와 변화를 맞이할 해가 될 것 같습니다 저희 조인어스코리아는 이러한 변화에 맞추어 다양한 대면 행사를 기획하면서 국경을 뛰어넘는 언어문화교류를 위해 여러분들과 함께 날개를 달고 날아오를 준비를 계획할 예정입니다. 여러분들도 1월 1일을 맞아 세웠던 신년 계획이나 목표를 미루고 있다면, 음력설을 기회로 삼아 다시 한번 도약할 수 있는 시간이 되시길 바라겠습니다. 시작은 늘 설렘과 떨림이 함께 하는 것 같은데..

공지사항/알림 2023.01.20

[Daily JOKOer] Story of a Korean Family Captured the Attention of the World

Hi JOKOers! Did you guys watch the movie 'Minari'? This movie has been getting praises from lots of critics, exciting many movie-fans. Today we are going to introuce some interesting facts about 'Minari' and the Korean cultural backgrounds implied in the movie! Let's start right away~ 🇰🇷Korean Class Program⠀ ① 1:1 private class ② Sunday Group class ⠀ ③ TOPIK class 📝 Free Korean Level Test 💬 𝙖𝙣𝙮 ..

[Sunday Korean Class] Write your name in Korean!

Sunday Group Korean Class Log of the Week This week we have learned Korean with various topic.The origin of Hangeul, Write name in Korean, About moviesand introduce our friends in Korean!Can you introduce your friend? and What is your favorite movie? Class ● Sunday Class (at our office)https://bit.ly/groupkorean ● 1:1 Class (any time/place/any level preferred)https://j.mp/1on1korean ● Free Korea..

[Korean Class] Hangeul Day, 10월 9일 한글날

10월 9일 한글날 Hangeul is one of the few letters used by mankind that has been clearly identifiedby its creator and its year of creation. Hangeul is also regarded as the world's best writing system in thatits founding spirit lies in "self-reliance, affection and practicality." Along with this spirit of creativity, he is also excellent in originality and science of the principles of making graphemes...

[Korean Class] Gaecheonjeol 개천절 (National Foundation Day)

Gaecheonjeol Hello everyone!Gaecheonjeol is the day after tomorrow.Gaecheonjeol is a national foundation day of Korea and has interesting myths.If you are curious, please pay attention to today's post! Class Sunday Class (at our office)https://j.mp/jk-korean 1:1 Class (any time/place/any level preferred)https://j.mp/1to1korean Free Korean Level Testhttps://j.mp/jk-kotest3 Contact ● Email: joinus..

[Korean Class] What comes to mind in autumn?

🍁Words related to Autumn🍂 If you want to know your score,Please click this link and check our website!https://www.joinusworld.org Class Sunday Class (at our office)https://j.mp/jk-korean 1:1 Class (any time/place/any level preferred)https://j.mp/1to1korean Free Korean Level Testhttps://j.mp/jk-kotest3 Contact ● Email: joinus@joinuskorea.org● Kakao ID: joinuskorea● Facebook: https://www.facebook...